We create wealth by making your money work hard so you can make your dreams and aspirations come true

In FY2020 our Founder’s Portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 by approximately 16%, the Europe, Australia and Far East (EAFE) Index by 22%, and the Vanguard Total World Index by 20%.

SPX: S&P 500 Index
VT: Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund ETF

Compound your wealth and invest prudently

At Client First Capital, we are looking to work with willing and patient partners to help them plan a better financial future. 

This is integral to the investment discipline and process. Adding to this virtue, identifying the appropriate investment opportunities facilitates robust growth. 

As a wealth management firm, our first step is to understand and review your current investment profile, your risk appetite, and your near- and long-term financial goals. Through this, we enable you to build a solid foundation for investing and offer the appropriate financial services. 

Our aim is to inform and educate you about the various financial tools available. This would facilitate you to form your own perspective on investing and financial planning. 

Why Choose Us?

We are one of the rare species in this world who eat from their own kitchen and share the same with our guests (clients).

We are investors first, investment managers and advisors second. We have invested over 70% of our personal wealth in our investment strategy.

We also focus on growing together, which means we grow with our client’s wealth. Let me put it this way, we grow only when you grow. 

We have a stake in the game

We are investors first, investment managers and advisors second. More than 70% our own wealth is invested in our own investment strategy.

We treat you like a ‘limited partner’

As a ‘limited partner’ you have 24x7 access to your wealth and you can withdraw the funds whenever you want.

We grow when you grow

We also focus on growing together, which means we grow with our client’s wealth. Let me put it this way, we grow only when you grow.

We plan basis a thorough analysis

We formulate a structured plan suitable for you to achieve your financial goals and ensure to fulfill your dreams.

Get Your Goal Tracker Assessment Today!

Please fill out the form and our experts will contact you shortly.

We’ll review your investment profile, risk appetite, and financial goals to develop a customized investment plan.

Our goal is to empower you with knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions.

Let us help you plan for a better financial future today!

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Why do we write letters? To express ourselves clearly to those who are important to us.

These are some of the letters to my ‘limited partners’, i.e. you. I hope you find these helpful in building a long term, goal focused, investment mindset.

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2019 has been a great year! The markets are on the uptake and all the stocks are performing well. The philosophy of ‘buy right and hold tight’ is working for us. Everywhere the interest rates had been forecast to rise have held steady. Valuations are looking very unhealthy, and one has to be very selective about the stocks to buy. 

So now comes the time, June-July-August, and the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has started supporting the economy and they literally started buying junk bonds. Interest rates have gone to literally zero, which has made the market flush with liquidity and the stock market has started picking up. I think the Trump versus Biden contest was intense and all the investors started focusing on the election. However, we knew that the election was really a non-event. We have been hearing the same from Philip Arthur Fisher. Taher Badshah is a good friend of mine from Invesco Asset Management.

So now comes the time, June-July-August, and the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has started supporting the economy and they literally started buying junk bonds. Interest rates have gone to literally zero, which has made the market flush with liquidity, and the stock market has started picking up. I think the Trump versus Biden contest was intense and all the investors started focusing on the election. However, we knew that the election was really a non-event. We have been hearing the same from Philip Arthur Fisher. Taher Badshah is a good friend of mine from Invesco Asset Management.

Do I possess some magical skills? Do other fund managers possess the same? There are so many websites selling research literally for peanuts. Then why are we not growing our wealth enough to become financially independent.

Some of the fund managers, people like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger do possess extraordinary skills, but let me assure you I do not. When I started in money management, I could just read some aspects of balance sheets and income statements. I learned cash flow analysis during my tenure and am still learning with my analysts on the job and through various certifications.

Client first capital - Home page

Why do we write letters? To express ourselves clearly to those who are important to us.

These are some of the letters to my ‘limited partners’, i.e. you. I hope you find these helpful in building a long term, goal focused, investment mindset.

Client first capital - Home page

2019 has been a great year! The markets are on the uptake and all the stocks are performing well. The philosophy of ‘buy right and hold tight’ is working for us. Everywhere the interest rates had been forecast to rise have held steady. Valuations are looking very unhealthy, and one has to be very selective about the stocks to buy. 

So now comes the time, June-July-August, and the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has started supporting the economy and they literally started buying junk bonds. Interest rates have gone to literally zero, which has made the market flush with liquidity and the stock market has started picking up. I think the Trump versus Biden contest was intense and all the investors started focusing on the election. However, we knew that the election was really a non-event. We have been hearing the same from Philip Arthur Fisher. Taher Badshah is a good friend of mine from Invesco Asset Management.

So now comes the time, June-July-August, and the US Federal Reserve (Fed) has started supporting the economy and they literally started buying junk bonds. Interest rates have gone to literally zero, which has made the market flush with liquidity, and the stock market has started picking up. I think the Trump versus Biden contest was intense and all the investors started focusing on the election. However, we knew that the election was really a non-event. We have been hearing the same from Philip Arthur Fisher. Taher Badshah is a good friend of mine from Invesco Asset Management.

Do I possess some magical skills? Do other fund managers possess the same? There are so many websites selling research literally for peanuts. Then why are we not growing our wealth enough to become financially independent.

Some of the fund managers, people like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger do possess extraordinary skills, but let me assure you I do not. When I started in money management, I could just read some aspects of balance sheets and income statements. I learned cash flow analysis during my tenure and am still learning with my analysts on the job and through various certifications.

Client first capital - Home page

Why do we write letters? To express ourselves clearly to those who are important to us.

These are some of the letters to my ‘limited partners’, i.e. you. I hope you find these helpful in building a long term, goal focused, investment mindset.

2019 was a phenomenal year. The markets were on the upward trajectory and all stocks in the portfolio performed well. The philosophy of “Buy Right and Hold Tight” was working.
The forecast of a hike in interest rates, did not fructify. Valuations looked unhealthy and one had to be extremely careful about stock selection. However, I continued to remain bullish and refused to succumb to the noise and sell any of the companies in the portfolio.

The portfolio had a steller run so far. The US Federal Reserve (Fed) started supporting the economy and they started buying junk bonds. Interest rates dropped to zero, which made the market flush with liquidity and hence the stock market started picking up. I think the Trump v. Biden contest was intense and all the investors were focused on the election. However, we knew that the election was a non-event, which would have virtually no impact in the long run.

Another year has passed. The portfolio began its downward trajectory in November 2021 due to a combination of factors ranging from the hike in interest rates, the sudden spike in inflation, as well as the Chinese government’s unclear policies towards their businesses and markets. Like any other investor, we lost a lot of money, but have stayed afloat. This is possible due to our simple investing principles that have guided us to focus on the quality of the companies instead of its price. The adage of “Buy Low, Sell High”, although profitable, has not deemed itself justifiable to the cost attached to it; by which I refer to the value of time spent on this strenuous activity of timing the market just for short-term monetary gain, instead of the spending that time on enriching ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually.

Do I possess some magical skills? Do other fund managers possess the same? There are so many websites selling research literally for peanuts. Then why are we not growing our wealth enough to become financially independent.

Some of the fund managers, people like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger do possess extraordinary skills, but let me assure you I do not. When I started in money management, I could just read some aspects of balance sheets and income statements. I learned cash flow analysis during my tenure and am still learning with my analysts on the job and through various certifications.

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Reading List

Books are the fastest and surest way to learn from those who have achieved something worthwhile. I have inculcated a reading habit and have learnt much that has helped me become a better investor and a responsible advisor. Here are some books that I recommend you read... do let me know what you think of them.

Reading List

Books are the fastest and surest way to learn from those who have achieved something worthwhile. I have inculcated a reading habit and have learnt much that has helped me become a better investor and a responsible advisor. Here are some books that I recommend you read... do let me know what you think of them.

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Invest in the Founder's Portfolio: Experience double-digit growth in your wealth.

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